Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How To Make Digital Signature in Our Blog/Web

Many things can be done by the owner of the blog or website to make website more interesting and meaningful especially beginners like me. one of them is to complete the look of the posting with a digital signature.

There is a good Web Service for it and how to use it was very easy.

I accidentally brush this article for beginners like me who want to learn create digital signatures easily without using complex programs.

This could still be made using photoshop tricks, well ... the question is how, if we not mastered photoshop? And the results of the electronic signature will not so satisfactory. there are some easy tips to create a digital signature. FREE ... .. we use only the easiest way is to use mylivesignature.com.

after arriving to the website:
Try to take the keys to create a digital signature without the need to register first. But if you want to register first so it's nothing. This is only to accelerate this article's all.

Open : MyLiveSignature, or click here now. Whatever your choice, you will be delivered on Creating new signature menu. Now when I get on this page you will be faced with three choices:

1. Using the signature creation wizard: create a signature step at a time.
2. Draw a signature straight to the screen: a signature drawing directly on the screen.
3. Using a scanned image: the original signatures to be scanned and made digital signatures.

Suggestion: We recommend not using the third option. Because if you create an electronic signature is similar to the original instead of later misused. I myself chose the first. Simply enter the name of the next stage.then choose the font, size, color, slope, and the digital signature you are finished. But it is up which way you choose later.

There is also a video tutorial:

the step2 is attached at the photos at the link below...

Want trying now ... ..!!! sok waelah!! or want to know the results? see my signature below this article!
Oh yah .... Almost forgot ... a digital signature in addition to put in the article, can also be used in emails or in forums.

Nice try..

Note: The picture I took from: www.digitalsignature.in

" special note "

To All Visitors!.Keep in mind that I was not the one who made this script, I was just searching the Internet, and share your info with you all.
If there is a problem with this script, you can leave "comment" on this post, "may" be, I can help.

Monday, March 22, 2010

pending paid from paidtoclick.in

Mar 10
Pembayaran #2 PaidToClick.In

Salam Sukses....
Ini adalah request pembayaran ke dua yang saya minta dari Paidtoclick.in
Sebelumnya saya telah merequest 1 kali pembayaran, sebesar 9 sen. dua hari yang lalu saya me-request 10 sen dari Paidtoclick.in. Dan sampai hari ini tgl 23 Mar 2010 saya belum mendapatkan pembayaran di paypal saya dari Paidtoclick.in

Mudah mudahan admin Paidtoclick.in bisa memperbaiki complain saya ini.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pembayaran #1 PaidToClick.In

Mar 10
Pembayaran #1 PaidToClick.In

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya baru ikutan PTC program , PTC yang satu ini memang cocok untuk dijadikan sumber dalam rangka mengisi akun Paypal kita setiap hari dengan uang receh, yah walaupun kecil tetapi bisa cash out setiap hari loh ;) dengan minimum cash out $0.01

Iklan yang disediakan setiap hari cukup banyak, sehingga rata-rata kalau kita klik semua iklannya, maka dalam sehari bisa mendapatkan sekitar $0.02 atau lebih, yang bisa langsung kita request pembayarannya untuk ditransfer ke rekening Paypal kita.
Tapi, lebih baik dikumpulin dulu duitnya, biar agak banyak, baru deh diminta untuk ditransfer pembayarannya, dan gak pake lama nunggunya, gak sampai berhari-hari bahkan berminggu-minggu.

Jadi, kalau anda tertarik dengan Paidtoclick yang satu ini dan belum mendaftar disana, silahkan klik gambar di atas atau klik disini :

Klik disini untuk melihat BUKTI PEMBAYARAN dari paidtoclick ini.

Yang berminat untuk bergabung, bisa klik link ini: http://www.PaidToClick.in/index.php?ref=jamesdoola dan jangan khawatir, pendaftaran 100% gratis. :)

Buruan daftar dan kumpulkan dolarnya ;)
Kunjungi >> www.PaidToClick.in (klik disini)
Selamat berburu Dollar :)


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